A Prada tote, a Burberry coat,
All what ladies and chicks today dote.
There is no definite destination to the quest for materialism which is an endless winding path,The latest models of Vertu and Blackberry won't guarantee sustained satisfaction,Until and unless one mends his dirty deceptive actions.What's the purpose of the brand new Nikon?When you are unable to extract time for what all you want.No one to chatter with,No one to pump us up during moments of broken hearts,
How can anything destroy one's humanity with ruthless darts?Man was a social animal,Now a wild beast.To fulfill his selfish motives,Destroys other's existent peace.Nobody to share the good old memories,How can you expect such from the life less batteries?
We are gaining transitory satisfaction but perhaps at the opportunity cost of our inner peace.New hues, styles, sizes, patterns cropping up every hour,my dear consumer-just keep in view your purchasing power,An area of extensive tête-à-têteNot with individuals but objects deadNice humane things are better accomplished than said.Materialistic wants and not just needs,On the path towards bliss are cruel weeds.In the plan to preserve our harmed humanity,Let’s take an oath to take into account the stark reality!
true we're all in illusion..
ReplyDeletebeautifully conveyed the message. geart work shambhavi!