October 27, 2011

Poison of Comparison

The coffee bean motivates me,
On boiling she transforms the water itself;
Unlike the egg which softens or the carrots that harden.

 I gain inspiration from the pebbles traversing distance vast,
Through all kinds of terrains no matter challenging they still last!
Life is a journey not as smooth as most of us think,
Hell and heaven being stations one's transported in a blink.

Believe me, one of the deadliest poison is comparison, for it slowly kills, unlike those cruel pills.
We say Oh! He has died fighting a disease, exclaiming grief, mumbling Rest in Peace,
Not thinking of the guy mentally dying and trying to revive each day!
The world is such, my friends
No one cares for the others much.

We have become crazy cynics,
Glitzy celebs or bigwigs somewhere or the other we try to mimic.
What's the point of living a life tailor made for someone else I say?
Were u brought into this world for nothing but to witness this
Doom’s day!
It surely doesn't sound brave to be virtual slaves in this era of freedom and liberty.

Why not set an exemplary example for others being our awesome original selves,
For the betterment of our humanity, it for sure helps.
Each being on our planet is special then why we discriminate and compare,
Is that a good gesture?
21st century is what we live in now,
Situations terribly challenging we got to face somehow.

They say life is a game,
But how can it be the very same?
This must have been quoted by a person lame.
A game has outcomes specific-you win or you lose,
Which isn't in our lives as much you booze.
Every nanosecond is an experience to be cherished even if it turned out not so fruitful,
These little moments would only add up to form the time of our life we say.

The bitter and sour events are lessons that God preaches,
So that we carve a better niche for us.
If everybody has a deep insight into events and their outcomes,
Nobody would ever fuss.
Challenging situations are stepping stones,
Overcoming to which our skills hone.
Bon voyage pals! Dangers exist everywhere,
Stay strong and hope you are rewarded with your respective share.

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