We may not be staying in the US and the Supreme Court ruling may not affect us in any major or minor way. But, we as educated, aware and responsible citizens possess all rights to lend our support to a landmark decision, even though it may have sparked controversy. Embracing Rainbow flags on social media does not simply make us pro-US, or blind to our native cultures and lifestyles, or any less nationalistic. We endorse nothing, but a progressive and bold decision, that we believe is a step in the right direction.
Indian society is definitely plagued by an altogether different spectrum of evils like honour killings, domestic violence and female infanticide. Discrimination on the lines of gender and caste happens to be the root cause here. LGBT rights in the context of marriage is a far-fetched thought in our country, maybe because only in 2014 did the Supreme Court recognize transgenders as 'third gender'. But, now they are legally recognized and must have equal rights to education and jobs. Though this progressive ruling does not apply to gays, lesbians and bisexuals but only to eunuchs (hijras), it does reflect an attitudinal change, however small that may be. Recently, UPSC was also made to add the option of third gender in forms for Civil Service aspirants.
Change is the unchanging law of nature. If a society does not move towards cleansing itself of unjust institutions and practices over time, more and more elements would move to the fringe and challenge those at the centre. Undoubtedly, attitudes will take centuries to change and ultimately bring in legal reforms, but that must not make us any less optimistic. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day.
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